M. Mara-Ann, writer, vocalist, media artist

Profound Fatigue

CS04 | feature
October 22, 2011
Meridian Gallery
San Francisco

Examining the discourse around climate change and how language becomes exhausted, dull, and ineffective, Profound Fatigue is the fourth installment in the five-part Containment Scenario series. Utilizing all three floors or the Meridian gallery including the stairways and elevator, and employing a combination of stage direction, choreography, structured improvisation, live-feed videography, and live projected transcription, Profound Fatigue explores varying modes of fracturing and recombining language, sound, video, and movement to investigate how these layered visual, auditory, and haptic modes of disjunction and correspondence ultimately influence meaning, listening, and cognition. Hosting a cast of horses, bears, wolves, a mustache doctor, and a curly headed woman, the swirling narrative is adapted from the book: Containment Scenario: DisLoInter MedTextId entCation: Horse Medicine (OBooks. 2009)

Written & Directed by M. Mara-Ann

Noah Phillips (guitar)
Jason Hoopes (bass)
Gretchen Jude (Koto, voice)
]ulie Binklev (dance. voice)
M. Mara-Ann (voice)
Aexa Hall (live-feed videodraphv)
Melissa Lozano (live transcription)
Norman Catherine (video tech)